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Ranked - Season 14

🛸 Season 14 Starts Now 🛸

If you placed in Bronze or higher in any game at the end of Season 13, prizes are being distributed. Check your collection to see what you earned!

The lights flicker in the abandoned research station, casting long shadows against the cold, metallic walls. A faint hiss echoes through the vents—something is here. This wasn’t supposed to exist, a top-secret experiment hidden deep in the void. This season plunge into a battle for survival against the ultimate predators. Only the sharpest instincts and unwavering courage will secure your rise in the ranks. Will you emerge as the ultimate hunter—or the hunted?

Remember, in the depths of space, no one can hear you scream.

Now through February 6th, 2025 at 9AM PDT rank up to earn exclusive extraterrestrial rewards. We’ll be showing off the prizes in the coming weeks...

Event image for 🛸 Season 14 Starts Now 🛸