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Icon Big Two (Pusoy Dos)

Play Big Two (Pusoy Dos), a popular card game where you compete to be the first to get rid of all your cards. Enjoy fast-paced and strategic gameplay.

Object of Game

Big Two is a 4-player card-shedding game originated from China where it's known as Da Lao Er or Choh Dai Di. It's also known as Pusoy Dos in the Philippines.

The object of the game is to be the 1st player to get rid of all their cards by beating the middle cards with the following combinations:

Playable Combinations

You can play your cards in the following combinations (ranked from lowest to highest):

Singles: just 1 card.



2 cards of matching ranks.



3 cards of equal rank.



5 cards of consecutive ranks with mixed suits.



any 5 cards of the same suit.


Full House

3 cards of the same rank and 2 cards of another rank.


4 of a Kind

4 cards of the same rank, with any 5th card.


Straight Flush

5 consecutive cards of the same suit.

Combinations Rules

A combination can only be beaten by a better combination with the same number of cards.

For example, a Singles card can only be beaten by another Singles card. A Pair can only be beaten by a better Pair, etc.

However, a 5-card combination can be beaten by a 5-card combination of a stronger type:

Straight Flush > 4 of a Kind > Full House > Flush > Straight

Rank and Suits Order

In Big Two, the cards are ranked from highest to lowest: 2 A K Q J 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3.

The suits are ordered from highest to lowest: Spades, Hearts, Clubs, Diamonds.



The game starts with each player receiving 13 cards. The player who has the 3 of Diamonds starts the game.

The play continues counterclockwise with the player to the right going next.

During a turn, you can either choose Pass or beat the middle cards by playing a higher combination.

When you don't have any cards that are able to beat the middle cards, you must Pass.

If you have a playable combination other than a Single card, you can use the Cards Helper buttons to identify playable cards:

Pusoy Dos Variant

In Pusoy Dos, the highest rank suit is ordered as Diamonds > Hearts > Spades > Clubs.

Also, the player holding the 3 of Clubs has the first turn.

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