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Who are your friends and who are the werewolves? Find out in this thrilling mix of strategy, deception and social deduction.

About the Game

Werewolf (also known as Mafia) is a game of survival and deception where villagers must hunt down the werewolves before they're all killed.

The game is split into alternating Days and Nights (see Day and Night below), played out live in real-time.

Starting the Game

Each player is given a random card with a role and assigned to either the Good or Evil team.

Number of Players

The number of roles for 7 players:

  • Good: 3 Villagers, 1 Doctor, 1 Seer

  • Evil: 2 Werewolves

The number of roles for 9 players:

  • Good: 2 Villagers, 1 Doctor, 1 Seer, 2 other random roles

  • Evil: 2 Werewolves, 1 Alpha Wolf

Alternatively, players can choose to play with the All Random Roles option.

Goal of the Game

The Good team's goal is to identify who the Evil roles are. They win when all Evil roles are eliminated.

The Evil team's goal is to deceive the Good roles and hunt them at night. They win if the remaining Good roles are equal to the number of Evil roles left.

The Day

During the Day, all living players discuss who among them might be the Werewolves or in the Evil team.

Each Day is played out in these phases:

  • Discussion: players discuss who the Werewolves or Evil roles are, and who should be killed.

  • Vote: Following discussion, players must cast their vote to kill a suspected player.

  • Defense: The condemned player has 1 last chance to argue and save themselves from execution.

  • Judgement: The accusing players must cast their final judgement to kill the accused player.

The Night

During the Night, certain players can carry out their Night Actions. For example, Werewolves can vote amongst themselves to kill off a player at night.



Werewolves (Evil)

Werewolves work together with the Evil team to secretly kill a player at Night. All Evil team must choose the same player to kill, or there would be a tie and a random kill will occur.


Alpha Wolf (Evil)

The Alpha Wolf acts like other Werewolves, but appears as Good to the Seer.


Vampire (Evil)

The Vampire will auto-block the Doctor's ability 1x per game. He can vote in the day but his votes will count as 0. Appears randomly as Good or Evil to the Seer.


Witch (Evil)

The Witch can use her dark magic to reveal one Good card during the Day discussion.


Siren (Evil)

If Siren is lynched in the day, all good roles are seduced and their abilities are negated the following night.


Shapeshifter (Evil)

Appears as a Good card if revealed by Town Crier. Also appears as a Lover to other Lovers. Appears randomly as Good or Evil to the Seer.


Nightmare (Evil)

The Dark Lord of Dreamworld can put one player to sleep. That affected player will not be able to use their active ability in the following Night.


Wolf Shaman (Evil)

Can protect another Evil player during the Day once. That Evil player will not be killed during the Day Vote.


Villagers (Good)

The poor Villager has no special ability in the game and must resort to their wits to find the Evil roles.


Seer (Good)

The Seer has the powerful magic to choose 1 player each Night and reveal whether that player is Good or Evil.


Doctor (Good)

The Doctor is able to save any player (including himself) from being killed at Night.


Knight (Good)

The Knight can use his shield to survive 1 Night attack per game.


Princess (Good)

The Princess uses her charm to survive 1 Kill vote during the day, but gets revealed to everyone!


Hunter (Good)

The Hunter has a 75% chance to kill a random Evil role when he is killed at night.


Necromancer (Good)

The Necromancer can revive 1 dead Good card at night, once per game.


King (Good)

The King can't be killed at night if either Knight, Princess or Jester is still alive. However if he is voted to die in the day, the remaining Good roles can't use their ability the following night.


Jester (Good)

The Jester is as chaotic as he is annoying. He only wins the game (with whichever winning team) if he is killed. He also randomly shows up as Good or Evil to the Seer.


Lycan (Good)

The Lycan is a cursed villager and will switch sides to Evil if killed by a Werewolf at night.


Mayor (Good)

The Mayor uses his political influence to make his vote count as 2x during the day.


Assassin (Good)

The Assassin can kill anyone (Good or Evil) at night once per game.


Town Crier (Good)

The Town Crier selects a seat at night. If Town Crier is killed that night, the selected card is revealed to all players.


Lovers (Good)

2 Lovers players can see each other's cards. Both Lovers share Devotion power to survive 1 Night attack per game.


Druid (Good)

Select another player at night. If the Druid is killed that night, that selected player also dies.


Mystic (Good)

Select an offline (AFK) player at night to reveal that player's role to everyone.


Thief (Good)

Can Steal a player's next day vote at night.


Harlot (Good)

Can Tempt another player at Night. If the tempted player is Good, the Harlot is protected. But if that player is Evil or killed, the Harlot dies that Night.


Bard (Good)

Can Charm another player at Night. That player's card will be revealed to you and your card will also be revealed to them at the end of that Night.

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