Land the perfect shot and run the table in this extremely popular game of billiards.
Cue Stick: The stick with which you strike balls.
Cue Ball: The ball that you strike with the cue. This is a solid white ball.
Pocket: The holes at the edge of the table in which you pocket object balls.
Object Ball: Every other ball on the table. These are colored and are either striped or solids. These are the balls that you must hit with the cue ball into a pocket.
Break: The break is the first shot of the game. The breaking player shoots the cue ball into the object balls which have been arranged in a pattern at the other end of the table.
Scratch: A scratch is a foul that occurs by a player pocketing the cue ball on their turn. This results in a turn change, with the next player able to drop the cue ball anywhere they like on the table.
Game Mechanics
Moving the cue ball: On breaks and after scratches, you can tap, hold, and drag the cue ball to move it around the table.
Aiming the cue stick: Tap an area of the table to immediately aim the cue stick at that location. You can also drag around the table to rotate the aim. There are also arrows on the lower right side of the screen that allow for fine control of aiming.
Shooting the ball: Pull back on the power bar located on the lower left side of the screen to determine the amount of power behind the shot, and release to shoot the cue ball.

Adding spin: You can add spin to the cue ball by tapping the icon of a cue ball located on the middle right edge of the screen and changing the spot at which the cue strikes the cue ball.

Aim lines: By default, there are aim lines displayed on screen that show you where your cue ball will travel and which direction the object ball it strikes will go. You can toggle these lines by tapping the "eye" icon above the cue ball icon on the right edge of the screen.

While playing the game, look for the gold star with the word "Items".
Tap on the star and you will be taken to the Item Panel where you can equip various cues and themes.
Tap on the item that you want to equip and press "Confirm" to equip it.

In 8-ball pool, the game is played with a cue ball and object balls numbered from 1 to 15.
One player must pocket balls of solid colors (1-7), while the other player must pocket the striped balls (9-15).
The player that pockets their entire group of balls is then allowed to pocket the black 8-ball. Successfully pocketing the 8-ball results in a win.

9-ball pool is played with object balls numbered 1 through 9.
Any object ball can be sunk each turn, but the cue ball must first strike the lowest numbered ball on the table for a legal hit to occur.
The game is won by the first player to pot the 9 ball.
In the trickshot game mode, points are awarded for potting balls with various trick shots.
Trickshot mode can be played in 8-ball or 9-ball pool, and with one or two players. Normal pool rules apply except the following:
- Players must attempt a trick shot on each turn. Sinking a valid ball without performing a trick shot results in a loss of their turn.
- The player with the highest score at the end of the game wins, rather than the player that sinks the game-ending ball.
- Players receive a 10 point penalty when they sink their opponent’s ball.
- In a 2v2 trickshot game, each team's scores are summed at the end of the game. The team with the highest combined score wins the game.
Trickshot Rules
Blind Shot (10 pts): An object ball is pocketed with aim lines turned off.

Combo shot (20 pts): An object ball strikes another object ball into motion, and the second object ball is potted.

Bank shot (30 pts): An object ball bounces off a rail before being potted.

Kick shot (40 pts): Cue ball bounces off a rail before striking an object ball.

Kiss shot (50 pts): A ball bounces off another ball before striking an object ball that is then potted.

Live & Turn-Based
Live: Active players get to see how their opponents play. Game will still continue if a player is inactive.
Turn Based: Players can only take their turn once their opponent completes their turn.
Starting Player
1st: Player who creates the game.
2nd: Player who joins the game.
Random: A random player is chosen to start the game.
1v1: Play on your own against one other player in this head-to-head setting.
2v2: Play with one other player against another team of two. When a ball is potted, the turn changes to the teammate of the player to pot the ball.
2v2 Pro: Play with one other player against another team of two. When a ball is potted, the turn stays with the player that potted the ball.
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