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Conquer territories in Conquest, a strategic game of dice battles. Plan your moves and roll the dice to dominate the board and defeat your rivals.

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Total Wins
BamBoomBim BamBoomBim 76 honestlikely honestlikely 62 saeed_dm saeed_dm 52 aMIn_DVN aMIn_DVN 45 mhmdafshari mhmdafshari 44 martialhoon martialhoon 40 erf_karamoz erf_karamoz 37 Hadi930 Hadi930 35 ArchiVinyl ArchiVinyl 35 xi30u xi30u 35

Basic Rules

About the Game

Conquest is a global strategy game for 2 players. The goal is to conquer as many territories as possible before the game ends.

Each player is assigned to either the red or yellow color and the starting player is chosen randomly.

Each game turn is divided into 2 phases: Attack and Reinforce Phases.



The 1st player will have 6 starting territories while the 2nd player will start with 7 territories.

The locations for the starting territories are chosen randomly.

The first numbers on a territory is the number of units that the player has in that territory, while the second number is the maximum number of units that territory can support.

Neutral Territories

In addition to the red and yellow territories, there are grey colored territories belonging to neutral countries that do not attack any players.

Attack Phase

In the Attack Phase, you can attack an opponent's territory that are adjacent or linked to your territory that has at least 2 or more units.

To attack, tap on one of your territories and you will be shown the possible territories to attack. Tap on an opponent's territory to confirm the attack.

When attacking, you will roll the same number of dice as the number of your units stationed in the territory.

The defending territory will automatically defend using the same method - rolling with the same number of dice as the number of units stationed in that territory.

For an attack to be successful, the sum of the attacking dice must be more than the sum of the defending dice. If both sides have the same numbers, the attack fails.

When an attack is successful, the attacking player moves into the new territory, leaving 1 unit behind in the previous territory.

If an attack fails, the attacking player retreats back into the previous territory with only 1 unit left.


Reinforce Phase

In the Reinforce Phase, you are given a certain number of extra units to add to your existing territories to defend against your opponent.

The number of reinforcement units is calculated by dividing the number of your territories by half, rounded up.

For example - if you have 10 territories, you'll get 5 reinforcement units. For 7 territories, you'll have 4 reinforcement units.

You can see the current number of your reinforcement units next to your player's picture:


The game is played in 10 rounds. At the end of 10 rounds, the player who has the most territories will be declared the winner and reap the rewards of global domination.


Game Developer - Christopher Kocan

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