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Lead your army in Legions, a strategic game of warfare and tactics. Command your troops and conquer your enemies in this engaging battle game.

About the Game

Legions is a strategic card capturing game for 2 players. Each player is assigned as either Blue or Red. The goal is to have the most cards of the player's color on the Battleground board.

Starting the Game

Each player first chooses 2 card sets (aka Legions) for the battle.

Each Legion has its own unique ability (see Legions Compendium).

The available Legions are rotated randomly on a weekly basis. Players can purchase a Legion to always use it outside the rotation permanently.

After both players have confirmed their selection or when the timer runs out, the game will start with the Blue player going first.


Card Anatomy

Each legion card is made of the following parts:

Ranks are compared in order to capture cards.

Character represents a card's ability.

Color signifies the card's owner.

Ranks span from 1 to 10. 10 is represented as A.


Basic Rules: Capturing Cards

Attack a card by placing another card next to it.

The attacker will capture the defender when its rank is greater than the opposing rank of the defender.

Note: A rank of 1 captures an A.

In the above example, the Iron Warden's rank of 3 is greater than the Keeper's rank of 2, thus capturing the Keeper.

Players can capture multiple cards at the same time, given the right ranks:


Advanced Rules: Same

The attacker will capture the defender if 2 or more opposing ranks are the same:

Advanced Rules: Combo

A card captured by the Same technique can perform a special Combo. When a card Combos, it will attack any card next to it:

Note: Cards will continue to Combo until they cannot capture another card. Comboing cards cannot capture cards via the Same technique.


Each card on the board is worth 1 point.

Once all cards have been placed, the player who has the most points wins!

Note: Due to the second player (Red) having a significant advantage, the first player (Blue) is given an additional point at the start of the game.


Game Developer: Christopher Kocan
Voices of Forsaken Siren and Keeper of the Hunt: Cat Protano

Legions Compendium as of patch 5.0.0


Iron Wardens

Iron Wardens are stronger while defending making them difficult to capture once owned.

  • Temporarily adds +1 to a defending rank when it's being attacked. After defending, the rank will revert to the original value.

Keepers of the Hunt

Keepers of the Hunt threaten cards at range allowing them to take advantage of otherwise unvaluable positions.

  • Attack cards at range in line of sight.

Forsaken Sirens

Forsaken Sirens pull cards to their adjacent tiles, potentially altering the Battleground in their favor.

  • When first placed onto the board, the Forsaken Siren pulls cards in line of sight to the tiles adjacent to it.

Note: This effect applies to all cards, including those that share the same color with the Forsaken Siren.



Saboteurs lay traps that endanger friend and foe.

  • When first placed onto the board, the Saboteur places 1 bomb on each adjacent empty tile. When a card is placed on a tile with a bomb all of that card's ranks are reduced by 1 permanently.

Note: The bombs stack, so a tile with 3 bombs will reduce the ranks of a card placed on it by 3. Also, the bombs will detonate on a card even if they were placed by a card of the same color.



Ravagers grow in power as they capture cards, or are captured themselves.

  • Each time the Ravager captures another card, or is captured itself all of its ranks gain +1 permanently.


Titans flip the ranks of adjacent cards, potentially exposing or protecting their weaknesses.

  • When first placed onto the board, the Titan flips the rank positions of adjacent cards on whatever axis is aligned with the Titan.

Note: This effect applies to all cards, including those that share the same color with the Titan.


Giant Slayers

Giant Slayers exchange ranks with their opponents before attacking, for better or worse.

  • For each attack, the Giant Slayers will exchange their attacking rank with the defending rank of their opponent, effectively reversing the result of the attack.


Swarms grow in power as they grow in numbers for whoever they are fighting for.

  • Swarms' ranks increase by 1 for each allied Swarm on the Battleground.

Note: When a Swarm is captured, all other Swarms will increase or decrease ranks accordingly.


Bomani Lancers

Bomani Lancers pierce through fallen enemies claiming all they can reach for their side.

  • If a Bomani Lancer defeats an enemy by having a greater rank he will pierce through the defeated enemy, challenging the card beyond it.

Note: A Bomani Lancer will not pierce through a card defeated by the Same technique.

Patch 7.0.0 Notes

  • Free rotation decreased from 4 to 3
  • Free rotation changed from daily to weekly

Patch 5.0.0 Notes

New Legion: Bomani Lancers
Bomani Lancers pierce through fallen enemies claiming all they can reach for their side.

  • Add Bomani Lancers to the available Legions

Patch 4.0.4 Notes

New Legion: Swarms
Swarms grow in power as they grow in numbers for whoever they are fighting for.

  • Add Swarms to the available Legions

Patch 3.0.3 Notes

New Legion: Giant Slayers
Giant Slayers exchange ranks with their opponents before attacking, for better or worse.

  • Add Giant Slayers to the available Legions

Rebalance Ravagers’ Rank Distribution
Ravagers’ rank distribution was intentionally weak, as throughout the match they grow in strength. The problem was the original owner had minimal benefit from picking and placing the Ravagers. The new rank distribution is more aggressive, and as they grow they will cover a larger variety of ranks hopefully making Ravagers a more interesting pick overall.

  • Ravagers rank distribution: [Top: 7, Right: 3, Bottom: 7, Left: 3] is now [Top: 8, Right: 4, Bottom: 6, Left: 2]

Other changes

  • Free rotation increased from 3 to 4

Patch 2.0.2 Notes: Release from Beta

New Legion: Titans
Titans flip the ranks of adjacent cards, potentially exposing or protecting their weaknesses.

  • Add Titans to the available Legions

Fix Red incorrect rank mirroring
The intention was to have Red’s version of each Legion mirror Blue. Instead of mirroring the cards were just rotated, resulting in the same orientations as Blue, but out of order.

  • Red’s legions now correctly mirror Blue’s. E.g. [Top: 1, Right: 2, Bottom: 3, Left: 4] becomes [Top: 1, Left: 2, Bottom: 3, Right: 4]

Patch 1.0.1 Notes

Turn Balancing
Due to the second player (red) having a significant advantage, the first player (blue) will receive 1 point at the start of the match. This will also prevent the game from resulting in a draw.

  • Add 1 point to the first player (blue) at the start of the game

Increase Rank Total
Legion’s ranks are distributed from a total value. The previous value was 16, but has been increased to 20. This is to allow for a greater variety of rank combinations amongst the roster.

  • Balance each Legion from a pool of 20 points instead of 16

Rework Same Combo Chains
Due to an inherent flaw in Sames requiring another Same to continue a Combo, this has been changed to the Same only initiating the Combo, and the Combo being continued by any other capture method, e.g. by a greater rank, or 1 beats an A.

  • Sames only activate by the attack from placing a card
  • A Comboing card can no longer cause a Same
  • Cards captured by non-Sames will continue a Combo

Rework Timers
While timer pools allowed for players to have extra time to think when they needed it, they were not ideal for games with inactive players. The timer pools have been replaced by traditional turn timers, that refresh at the start of the player’s turn.

  • Change 5 minute timer pools to 1 minute timers that refresh at start of turn
    Note: Missing 2 consecutive turns will result in a Forfeit

Other Features

  • Add Turn-Based Game Mode
  • Add Resign Functionality

Patch 0.3.0 Notes

Beta version released with 5 initial Legions.

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